sábado, 25 de março de 2017

The villa de Nora Roberts

Livro agradável e empolgante.
A família Giambelli passou por muito para chegar aonde chegou na preparação de bom vinho. Empresa familiar, três gerações dão no corrente momento vida, suor e lágrimas à indústria vinícola. Tal negócio é abalado com sucessivos acontecimentos, mortes, supostos acidentes, que abalam a integridade da familia, e por consequência o negócio. Todas tentam, dentro da sua área de conhecimento, salvar a empresa de que forma for. Ao mesmo tempo que se juntam pela empresa também o fazem por si mesmas em especial as senhoras mais novas, mãe e filha.
Várias voltas e reviravoltas ao longo da história que adensam o enredo e nos fazem suspeitar de uma guerra antiga que voltou.
Sophia Giambelli has never had to worry about competition. For three generation, the Giambelli wines have been renowned for their quality- from Napa Valley to Italy, and throughout the world. The pride of the Giambelli family, and a top PR executive, Sophia loves her job- and excels at it.But things are about to change at Villa Giambelli. Tereza, the matriarch, has decreed that a merger will take place with the MacMillan family's winery- and Sophia will be taking a new role. As a savvy business-woman, she knows she has to be prepared for anything...but she isn't prepared for Tyler MacMillian. They've been ordered to work together very closely, to make the merger as smooth as possible. Sophia must teach Ty the finer points of marketing and promotion- and Ty, in turn, shows her how to get down and dirty, to use the sun, rain, and earth to coax the sweetest grapes from the vineyard. But as they toil together, both in and out of the fields, Sophia is torn between a powerful attraction and a professional rivalry. At the end of the season, the course of the company's future- and the legacy of the Villa- may take an entirely new direction. And when acts of sabotage threaten both the family business and the family itself, Sophia's quest will be not only for dominance, but survival....
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