sábado, 26 de junho de 2021

One Summer in Tuscany de Domenica De Rosa

Leitura agradável, rápida e leve mas com algumas questões abordadas  onde nem tudo é o aparece ser. E é claro todos os inscritos no curso de escrita criativa escrevem olhando para a esplendorosa paisagem italiana, e até quem não esteja inscrito escreve um romance de cavalaria. Enredo simples com algumas reviravoltas que nos surpreendem. 
Love, rivalry, and writing in a Tuscan paradise . . . Welcome to the Castello de Luna.
High on a hill in the Tuscan countryside stands a castle of golden stone, home to Patricia O’Hara’s writers’ retreat – a serene hideaway where you can polish your prose by the pool, gain inspiration from your peers and eat the best melanzane in Italy, courtesy of chef Aldo. But, while the splendour of their surroundings never fails to wow the guests, huge maintenance bills and bad news from the bank threaten to close Patricia down. It’s make or break time for the Castello de Luna.
This August each of her seven aspiring authors arrives with emotional baggage alongside their manuscripts. But something is different. It may be just the prosecco, but soon lifelong spinster Mary is riding on the back of Aldo’s Vespa, and smouldering odd-job man Fabio has set more than one heart racing.
As temperatures rise, the writers gossip, flirt and gently polish their prose by the pool. But with some unexpected visitors to contend with, one thing’s for sure: neither the Castello, nor Patricia, has ever seen a summer like this. 

Boas leituras

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