quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015

Marrying the Mistress, de Joanna Trollope

 Livro relata os acontecimentos da vida de uma familia, antes e depois, da divulgação pelo avó do seu adultério e as repercussões que tal informação tem na vida familiar, que toca desde filhos, netos, cunhado/a e ainda nos vizinhos e amigos do casal. São nos apresentados diferentes pontos de vista ao longo do livro, demonstrando a opinião de cada familiar e o seu ponto de vista sobre a situação, pondendo às vezes se tornar complexo e dificil de perceber qual a voz que fala.
 A personagem a realçar é a esposa, considerada como a culpada pela relação e consequentemente o divórcio. A sua pecularidade, cria a sua vida primeiro ao redor da do marido e mais tarde aquando o divórcio transfer-se essa mesma pecularidade para o seu filho mais velho e no fim para o mais novo. Espera que os outros deem sentido a sua vida e não um criado pela própria.
 No fim, através de uma boa comunicação e de reforçar as relações de amor entre ambos voltam a ser uma familia.
The court official leaned closer."What's gone past," he said, "is not just an advocate, any old lady advocate. What's gone past is his Honour's totty."And what's going past is the life of Guy Stockdale, a 62-year-old judge, who has been married forever, has two sons--Simon and Alan--and three grandchildren. For the past seven years, he's also had a mistress. Merrion Palmer is intelligent, attractive, and half Guy's age, which also makes her younger than both Simon and Alan. Her dad died when she was a toddler and she's well aware that Guy is something of a father substitute. For years the role of mistress has suited her, but, suddenly, this style of relationship isn't enough for either of them. They've both had enough of sneaking around and avoiding people, so Guy has momentously made up his mind to leave his wife, Laura, and marry Merrion.
Marrying the Mistress dives into the shock waves that buffet the Stockdale family after Guy leaves Laura. The novel addresses the question of how his sons are going to cope, the explosive opinions of his forthright daughter-in-law Carrie and what his teenage grandchildren make of it all. Can any of them avoid taking sides? Should they? And what about the abandoned wife, Laura, a woman apparently so long-sufferingly self-sacrificing she makes Mother Teresa look selfish?
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