terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2021

The descendants, de Kaui Hart Hemmings

Leitura agradável e empolgante, lê-se rápido, com várias camadas de significados que vão-se descobrindo aos poucos com a leitura da história. Temos duas personagens principais o marido King, e a sua esposa, Joanie, que jaz numa cama de hospital em coma profundo. Recebemos dela vários momentos relatados por outros sobre a pessoa que era antes do acidente que a levou ao hospital e o deterioramento da relação entre os dois pelo marido. Ao longo da reunião familiar King tenta a todo o custo juntar a familia, ele e as suas duas filhas, vai descobrindo primeiro da traição da mulher e depois algo pior, o profanar do território que lhe foi legado.
Questões são igualmente levantadas quando começa a falar com os seus primos e o legado a decidir que a mulher tomava partido por um local. 


The Descendants is about a family that is forced to confront their dysfunctional relationships after a traumatic event. Matt King is a successful and wealthy attorney in Hawaii. But his obsession with his work has made him a stranger in his own family. He discovers this when his wife Joanie is seriously injured in a boat accident and is admitted in the hospital, in a state of coma. Matt does now know anything about his two daughters - at seventeen, Alex is an ex-model with a drug habit, and 10-year-old Scottie is rebellious and yet desperate for attention. Matt knows that his relationship with Joanie had become strained over the years, but soon he discovers something else about Joanie.As he learns to confront and accept the truth, he has several tasks at hand. By the terms of Joanie's living will, she has to be taken off life-support if there was no hope of recovery. Meanwhile, he sets off with his daughters on a journey in which they discover each other and themselves. Through all this runs another underlying theme - a quest for ethnic identity. Matt King is of mixed descent. One of his American ancestors married a Hawaiian princess. This marriage gave the family ownership of a large piece of land. Now, Matt has become the trustee of a family legacy, which is a huge chunk of prime property. But, as he travels through Hawaii with his daughters, Matt re-examines his heritage. Matt gradually begins to identify himself with his Hawaiian side. As he begins to settle his chaotic relationship with his family, he also has to come to terms with who he wants to be.

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