segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Il Divo

Pois é ...
Veio parar a este cantinho, através da amiga S que me ofereceu o bilhete, como prenda de anos, e sim só faço em Agosto mas quem poderia dizer que não aos Il Divo e a este concerto.

Ponto alto da noite: aparentemente Carlos, dos Il Divo, encontra-se solteiro e foi anunciado a liberdade do próprio com pompa e circunstância, bem como aceitação de mensagens, telefones e cartas de quaisquer interessadas.

sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

Edge of Midnight, de Shannon McKenna

Este livro foi um fartar de suspense, mas que vai ele fazer?, e um fartote de rir em certas situações. Sim, rir, algumas situações são caricatas na sua enorme expressão da vida emocional e na forma como enfrentamos os nossos problemas. O livro não é uma comédia, um simples romance, mas com variação e em boa dose. Além de descrições de carácter sexual e erótico de várias muitas páginas.

On the very day an arsonist burns down Liv's bookstore in a small town in the Washington mountains, she finds fate has another shock in store for her. Amid the smoke, rubble and tears, Sean McCloud appears, calling her name. He's every inch the man he always was--the man she kept on wanting. But wanting is not the same as trusting, and she doesn't dare let him get too close. Yet a ruthless killer is gunning for Liv, and she'll die unless they join forces to unearth a chilling truth--and come together in a blaze of searing passion . . .

quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Erva ou flores, talvez?

O feijão já espreita :0

Steamed, de Katie MacAlister

O feriado serviu para algumas coisas. Li mais um livro. Achei um pouco estranho a principio devido às ligações entre pirata e airship mas depois até gostei da visão futurista aqui deslumbrada. Um twist interessante, quase no fim, para a sintonia.

Jack Fletcher’s heart is about to get punked.
Computer technician Jack Fletcher is no hero, despite his unwelcome reputation as one. In fact, he’s just been the victim of bizarre circumstances. Like now. His sister happens to disturb one of his nanoelectromechanical system experiments, and now they aren’t where they’re supposed to be. In fact, they’re not sure where they are when…

…they wake up to see a woman with the reddest hair Jack has ever seen—and a gun. Octavia Pye is an Aerocorps captain with a whole lot of secrets, and she’s not about to see her maiden voyage ruined by stowaways. But the sparks flying between her and Jack just may cause her airship to combust and ignite a passion that will forever change the world as she knows it…

Cartão para D...

Para celebrar o aniversário de uma amiga, nada como dizê-lo com um cartãozinho de gatos, visto ela ser apaixonada pelo seu bichano. E para ver se nos perdoa o esquecimento :)
E é claro com prendinha, mais um chá do amor... para momentos inesqueciveis com o seu outro gato. Foto dos chás, o oferecido a esta menina é o da esquerda.

Muitos parabéns D, muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida.
Um close-up do gato para se ver os pormenores das cores Copic utilizadas.

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Massada de peixe

Mais um dia mais uma refeição para fazer. Hoje tentei cozinhar algo que queria tentar faz algum tempo, Massada de peixe, trazida por uma colega no trabalho que adora, receita retirada daqui, conforme discriminado abaixo.

postas de peixe ao gosto(raia, cherne, maruca, cação, safio)
camarões com casca
massa cotovelos
6 tomates maduros
1 folha de louro
2 cebolas médias picadas
2 dentes de alho picados.
pimento vermelho ás tiras finas
½ copo de vinho branco
Um raminho de coentros picado

Num tacho largo deitar o azeite e juntar a cebola picada ,o alho picado,o louro , o pimento e metade dos coentros picados ,deixa-se refogar um pouco e deita-se os camarões já descascados e fritam-se até ficarem no ponto,retirar os camaroes e reservar.Entretanto juntar os tomates bem picados e refogar ,juntar o vinho e deixar evaporar,juntar o peixe e envolver bem , juntar água ,sal e deixar ferver 5min. juntar a massa, mexer, tapar e deixar ficar em lume médio até ficar quase cozida.Juntar os camarões e por fim os coentros picadinhos.Não mexer e deixar cozinhar, tapado cerca de 1 a 2 minutos( conforme o peixe estiver mais ou menos cozido para que no final, fique inteiro e não desfeito).

Até é uma receita fácil de fazer, apesar dos meus receios infundados lá está. Segui a receita à risca e massa não ficou excessivamente cozida ou em papa.
A minha ficou assim. Até nem desgostei, algo a repetir.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Chuchus gratinados com linguiça e presunto

Uns chuchus na mercearia chamaram a minha atenção, dois pequeninos. Depois tive que ir numa busca infinita, quase que parecia, à procura de mais um, este maior. Tudo isto porque desejava alterar a receita de chuchus que já aqui referi, do dia 26 de Abril, mas desta vez com linguiça e presunto.
Segue ingredientes utilizados:
3 chuchus
1 cebola picada qb
4 dentes de alho
azeite qb
coentros secos qb
4 ovos
4 fatias de queijo
4 linguiças
3 fatias de presunto

A forma de preparo é exactamente igual àquela listada anteriormente tem a única particularidade de as fatias de queijo terem sido partidas em pedaços pequenos.
E vou lavar a loiça

segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Battlestar Galactica, 4ª temporada

Uff acabou. Admito que só no fim é que estava mais concentrada na série, o meio deixa-se ficar um pouco monótono e somente como o fim de produzir mas sem conteúdo. O fato de encontrarem a Terra e esta ficar aquém dos ideiais imaginados, gostei, devido ao fato da 13ª colónia ser claro completamente cyclon, e abrir possibilidades que não tinham sido contempladas.
Esta Terra já vista e percebido alguns dos seus conteúdos torna a partida como a via a percorrer. Partem em busca de uma nova terra que por acaso é este nosso planeta azul, a beira mar plantado e aí mostra os alter ego a refutar somente alguns milhões de anos e volta-se tudo ao mesmo, a vida é um circulo.
He That Believeth in Me
During a seemingly hopeless battle, Kara Thrace appears in a pristine Viper, claiming that she has been to Earth and can lead the Fleet there -- but the terminal Laura Roslin believes otherwise. Meanwhile, four of the so-called Final Five are forced to tackle the repercussions of their newfound nature, while Gaius Baltar discovers he has a commune of nubile female cultists who believe him to be an agent of the "one true God".
S4, Ep2
Apr. 11, 2008 Six of One
Starbuck (Katee Sackhoff) and Laura Roslin (Mary McDonnell) face off with a gun between them, Lee Adama (Jamie Bamber) says goodbye to the Galactica, violent conflict breaks out between the seven models aboard Cylon Basestar, and Gaius Baltar (James Callis) is directly pulled into the "Final Five" situation.
S4, Ep3
Apr. 18, 2008 The Ties That Bind
The aftermath of a coup among the Cylons leads to further violence, Lee finds himself facing off against Roslin during his first meeting with the Quorum of Twelve as the new representative of Caprica, and Cally discovers the horrible truth about her husband Galen Tyrol. Meanwhile, Starbuck aimlessly searches for Earth with Anders and other Galactica officers.
S4, Ep4
Apr. 25, 2008 Escape Velocity
Gaius Baltar causes intense unrest within the fleet when he begins to openly promote belief in the Cylon god. Colonel Tigh, Galen Tyrol, and Tory Foster argue over how far they should go to ensure their secret is not revealed.
S4, Ep5
May 2, 2008 The Road Less Traveled
When a Heavy-Raider manned by Leoben Conoy docks aboard the Demetrius, confrontations form between the crew over the possibility of a truce with Cylon rebels, while Starbuck puts her trust in an old enemy.
S4, Ep6
May 9, 2008 Faith
A vicious injury ends the mutiny attempt aboard the Demetrius, Kara leads her crew to the Cylon rebel's Basestar, and Roslin begins to understand Gaius Baltar's appeal to his followers. Meanwhile, Anders attempts to secretly find answers to his purpose as a member of the Final Five.
S4, Ep7
May 16, 2008 Guess What's Coming to Dinner
A shaky alliance between the Colonial Fleet and Cylon rebels is put to the test when the two groups combine efforts to take out a Cylon "Resurrection Hub". Meanwhile, Athena loses control when Hera becomes unnaturally drawn to Natalie.
S4, Ep8
May 27, 2008 Sine Qua Non
President Roslin's abduction by the Cylon Hybrid triggers a bitter power struggle within the Colonial Fleet.
S4, Ep9
Jun. 6, 2008 The Hub
The Hybrid keeps jumping the basestar, and Roslin has visions. The three, D'Anna, is un-boxed. Humans and Cylons engage in a battle to destroy the Resurrection Hub. Baltar is badly wounded and Roslin has to decide whether or not to help him.
S4, Ep10
Jun. 13, 2008 Revelations
D'Anna demands that the four Cylons in the fleet be sent to the basestar. Only Tory goes, while the remaining three are suddenly drawn to Kara's Viper by the music. The route to Earth is finally found.
S4, Ep11
Jan. 16, 2009 Sometimes a Great Notion
Scouting the planet reveals that there is no life except plants. The destruction occurred about 2,000 years earlier. Among the ruins, skeletons and wrecks of a different kind of Centurions are found. But closer examination of the skeletons reveals they are Cylon! Could the 13th Tribe really have been all Cylons? Chief Tyrol, Anders and Tory remember living on the planet and dying there. How did they get to the colonies? Starbuck finds a piece of her Viper, and despite Leoben's warnings, starts to look for the cockpit... Roslin loses her faith in the Scrolls of Pythia....
S4, Ep12
Jan. 23, 2009 A Disquiet Follows My Soul
Adama considers Saul and Tyrol's suggestion that the Fleet should integrate Cylon jump technology since it will triple the distance they will be able to cover before they run out of fuel. But the Cylon's condition is that they will be allowed to join the Fleet, for safety against Cavil, who's still out there. Ultimately, the decision is up to President Roslin, but Zarek calls the Quorum and gets them to carry the motion that no Cylon be allowed aboard any Colonial vessel unless permitted by the ship's captain. Tyrol learns from Dr. Cottle that Cally had their child ...
S4, Ep13
Jan. 30, 2009 The Oath
The Fleet refuses to cooperate with Cylon engineers and Adama decides to put and end to it. He sends the Quorum a message stating that unless they wish to join Zarek in the cell, they get their people in line. However, Gaeta is already freed Zarek with the help of other would-be-revolutionists. They allow Zarek to leave Galactica on a raptor. He lands on Colonial One and enters a gathering of the Quorum. Meanwhile, Anders gets ambushed and captured. At the CIC, Gaeta cleverly manipulates everyone else until the time is at hand for the revolution to begin.
S4, Ep14
Feb. 6, 2009 Blood on the Scales
Roslin is on board a raptor en route to the Rebel Cylon Base Star, but Gaeta has ordered to engage and destroy it. The marines have used a stun grenade on Adama and Tigh. Roslin manages to get a wireless transmission out for everyone to hear and learn what Gaeta has done. She and the others barely make it to the Base Star, where she convinces Tory and the other Cylons to use the Fleet as a cover in order to prevent Gaeta from attacking it. She also believes that Adama will be able to save the rest of the Final Four. Temporarily safe, the Rebel Cylons start voting on ...
S4, Ep15
Feb. 13, 2009 No Exit
Eighteen months ago: Saul poisons Ellen, who then finds herself downloaded into a new body aboard a Cylon Base Star, with a single Centaurion keeping watch over her. After the initial shock, she has a revelation as she remembers things she had forgotten. Present Day: Dr. Cottle is operating on Anders, who has a bullet lodged in his brain. Anders starts to remember things he had forgotten. Eighteen months ago: Cavil comes to see Ellen, who calls him John, because that's his "real" name. Cavil says he hates that name. John was the first Cylon model *Ellen* created. She ...
S4, Ep16
Feb. 20, 2009 Deadlock
Ellen and Boomer travel to the Galactica. Saul is entranced at the sight of his wife while Adama puts Boomer in the brig. Ellen is not so pleased when she learns that Caprica Six is pregnant by Saul. Her interference and jealousy leads Six to have a miscarriage. Sam Anders survived the operation but now seems to be brain dead. Ellen is disappointed that the Final Five cannot be completely reunited. By majority vote, the Five agree that they will go off on their own, leaving the Colonial Fleet behind. Adama has agreed to have the cracks in the Galactica's hull repaired...
S4, Ep17
Feb. 27, 2009 Someone to Watch Over Me
Kara meets a pianist who reminds her of her father. She tries to play a melody she remembers from her childhood, and a drawing made by Hera helps her. Meanwhile, Boomer is to be tried for treason. Tyrol takes her side, and helps her escape.
S4, Ep18
Mar. 6, 2009 Islanded in a Stream of Stars
With Hera now likely in the hands of John Cavil, Admiral Adama sends out search teams to locate The Colony, the Cylon home world if you will, that Ellen Tigh says is the only place she imagines she could be. Adama reluctantly comes to the conclusion that the Galactica has reached the end of its days. He orders all repair activities halted and decides to strip the ship and share everything that is salvageable with the rest of the fleet. Starbuck meanwhile shares with Gaius Baltar what she found on the uninhabitable Earth. He subsequently - and quite publicly - ...
S4, Ep19
Mar. 13, 2009 Daybreak: Part 1
The Colony is located sitting on the edge of a black hole with only one point of entry in what is a very large debris field. Knowing that the Galactica has reached the end of the line, Admiral Adama asks for volunteers to mount a raid on the Cylon base, realizing it may be the ship's last jump. In flashbacks prior to the Cylon invasion, key moments in the lives of several of the crew are presented. These include include the first time Kara Thrace and Lee Adama meet; Admiral Adama's struggle with his decision to retire from the colonial fleet; Gaius Baltar's ...
S4, Ep20
Mar. 20, 2009 Daybreak: Part 2
A stripped down Galactica attacks the Cylon's Colony ship in the hopes of rescuing Hera. The meaning of the shared dream in the Opera House on Kobol is revealed. Sam Anders is moved in his Hybrid tank to the CIC in the hopes that he will be able to assist the combatants. Their mission complete, Admiral Adama orders Starbuck to pick a destination - any destination - to which the ship can jump to get out of there. With that, the meaning of the tune and the musical notes are explained. Having successfully jumped, the old Galactica has truly reached the end of it's life. ...

segunda-feira, 2 de abril de 2012

Beside the sea

Olá a todos
Hoje de manhã finalizei este pequeno kit, da autora Angela Poole, que vinha com uma das revistas Cross Stitcher. Ainda um salvamento da inundação que aconteceu numa casa arrendada onde estive. Não divagando mais mas o mais importante de referir a revista perdeu-se pois o papel ensopou e colou. Este kit foi feito somente através da imagem que o acompanhava. Algo um pouco enganoso :)

E já vão dois anos e pouco.

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

The Hunger Games

E ontem fomos ao cinema ver este. Uau se o filme foi assim os livros devem ser um espectáculo.
Each year, for 74 years, the Hunger Games have taken place, forcing 24 children from 12 districts (one boy and girl from each district) between the ages of 12-18 to kill each other as punishment for the rebellion. This year seems no different for Katniss Everdeen, until her younger sister, Prim, is called to participate. She takes her sister's place as Tribute to save her sister.
Katniss will do anything to survive, even if she may possibly have to go against her own moral standards. But when a fellow tribute reveals his affection for her and another begins to act like and remind her of her sister, it becomes harder and harder to figure out how to survive without killing those closest to her.

Ando há procura dos livros, são três, da escritora Suzanne Collins:
1 - The Hunger Games
2 - Catching Fire
3 - Mockingjay

Feira Gourmet do Campo Pequeno

Uma ideia interessante e bem organizada num local só, para valorizar o que de melhor existe em Portugal.
Cada banca com amostras de doces, chocolates, licores, pão, e um sem fim de quituques deliciosos. Eu acho que sai daqui com uns bons quilos a mais mas resfastelada. Alguns produtos não conhecia, outros andava a procura religiosamente como o chá de caipirinha, esplêndido.
As minhas aquisições:
- Chocolate de 80%

- Pão de cereais

- Chá do amor e de caipirinha

- Manteiga de ovelha

E ainda mais umas prendinhas para mais tarde.

Horta: o que plantei

Pois foi, finalmente decidi mergulhar no hobby preferido do meu pai, se é que lhe podemos chamar assim. Após conferência com o proprietario da terra e recolha, de dados bem como de sementes, com o meu pai e lojas da especialidade, vou plantar o seguinte:
Alfaces: uma roxa outra não,

Courgette e Beingela,


e Os tomateiros.

Só o tempo dirá o que eu irei conseguir colher daqui. Mas estas já estão na terra.