sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2013

The Scarletti Curse de Christine Feehan

A história ronda a volta duma maldição passada a muito tempo atrás. A maldição é considerada terrível e que mata as mulheres de uma familia, a familia Scarletti, mas nunca temos a certeza de qual é a desgraça de que falam, apesar de várias mortes terem ocorrido, seja em eventos passados ou presentes, até chegarmos ao fim do livro. Neste tempo ainda existia o direito de um senhor de escolher a noiva dentro das mulheres, em idade de casar, dentro da pequena aldeia que era apadrinhada. Romance com algum suspense.
Strange, twisted carvings and hideous gargoyles adorned the palazzo of the great Scarletti family. But a still more fearful secret lurked within its storm-tossed turrets. For every bride who entered its forbidding walls was doomed to leave in a casket.
Mystical and unfettered, Nicoletta had no terror of ancient curses and no fear of marriage…until she looked into the dark mesmerizing eyes of Don Scarletti. She had sworn no man would command her, had thought her gift of healing set her apart, but his was the right to choose a bride from among his people. And he had chosen her.
Compelled by duty, drawn by desire, she gave her body into his keeping, and prayed the powerful, tormented don would be her heart's destiny, and not her soul's demise.

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