terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2015

Taken by Moonlight, de Violette Dubrinsky

Livro com uma heroina de diferente atitude "eu sou assim lidem com isso", refrescante pois torna-se pouco usual, enfrenta a situação logo de inicio, sem ser um estereotipo de presunções, que todos sabem mas ninguém encarna, e tenta ser razoável nas suas decisões principalmente quando afectam outros. 
Enredo substancial com mistério, drama e imensas voltas e reviravoltas, nunca conseguimos apontar um possivel fim. Tem personagens variadas e multiplas, uma mistura de lobisomens, vampiros, bruxos e druidas, este último não aparece tanto, pelos menos nas minhas leituras.
When she agreed to go camping with her twin to honor a birthday milestone, Vivienne Bordeaux imagined itchy mosquito bites, the possibility of West Nile, and perhaps foot-fungus, but she never anticipated just how much her life would change. After almost dying under the snapping jaws of a rabid wolf—go figure—Vivienne is saved by a gorgeous, dark-haired man, who may just belong to a cult. Her attraction to Conall is strong, and she’s unable to control it, especially when he’s touching her….Conall Athelwulf is no man. He’s a werewolf, the leader of the largest pack in New York, and he knows better than anyone that relationships between weres and humans are strictly forbidden. So why is he unable to get beautiful, but very human, Vivienne Bordeaux out of his system? Amidst fears he’ll hurt her, Conall soon realizes that laws be damned, he’s unwilling to let her go. Instinct tells him Vivienne is his in every sense of the word, and a smart wolf heeds his instincts. When others threaten his claim, Conall is determined to teach them the hard way: fists or claws. But Vivienne isn’t as she seems, and both parties soon find themselves at the center of an epic war, where Vivienne may be key to the salvation of an entire race.
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