sábado, 18 de novembro de 2023

Chosen de Christina Pope

Leitura agradável e intrigante pelo simples facto de existir Djinn nas personagens, uma forma de génio na primeira interpretação que li mas aqui retratada como uma espécie que vive ao lado dos humanos, e os combate sempre que pode e desta vez criou uma pandemia para os aniquilar. Existem dissidentes desta prática que escolhem companheiras humanas, nada mencionado se existe ou não a parte feminina nessa espécie.
It became known as the Dying, and it soon wiped out almost every man, woman, and child on the face of the earth, leaving behind a pitiful remnant of the world's population. And for those left behind, the struggle has just begun....
Jessica Monroe is one of the few survivors of the Dying. As she struggles to make her way through the ruins of civilization to a place of safety, she finds herself guided by the gentle voice of an invisible being she thinks of as her guardian angel. When she discovers that he is no angel at all, she realizes the destruction of humanity was only the first step in an even larger plan.
Boas leituras

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